Financial Support
In dealing with the many factors that make up the world’s
geopolitical and economic landscape, the use of sophisticated and
suitable financial tools to support trading activities is a key factor
for business success.
Enjoying the support of a number of first class banks,
underwriters and financial institutions, Strategic Energy Limited's
finance team has facilitated and concluded a wide number of trade
finance and asset – backed projects for clients.
A range of financial structures are used, to match the
needs of the project, and can include processing, exchanges,
consignments, tolling and pre-export and pre-production financing and
barters. The group also makes extensive use of derivative products to
support and manage price risk and fluctuation.
Financial support and management are key elements are key
elements in the overall planning and delivery of successful oil trading
negotiations, and Strategic Energy Limited is extremely well versed in
these important disciplines.
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